Monday, July 06, 2009

Half-Packed and ready to go...

No taxi honking it's horn, but I'm ready to go. Well, I will be on Thursday. So far things are wrapping up nicely for my practicum. I have just a few more sessions to conduct and my reflection paper to write. By the end of the week I'm planning on having everything wrapped up in a neat little bow. :) The tubs are getting filled little by little. Actually, the office has just one more to fill and then probably two for the kitchen and then some decorative things around the whole house. Sigh...where is Samantha and her wiggly nose when you need her?

I worshipped at CoL for the final time as a member. I have no doubt I will be worshipping there again soon, but Sunday was it as far as my consistent attendance and involvement. I didn't actually get teary this time--even when Pastor Barz called me up for a "God-speed." I've gotten teary the last two weekends, but not this one. Odd. The Next Step had a lovely luncheon at Fire Hut for me. I'm slowly working my way around the groups.

There is no way I'll be able to say good-bye to everyone. Especially now that we've hit my final week. I'm sad that I'll be disappearing on many people, but summer schedules are nuts and I can't expect people to drop their lives for me.

I'm more excited about what is ahead than I am about what I'm leaving. I'm sure that will still be a roller-coaster, but right now my sister's wedding, being with Jason on a daily basis and then Sara Jane's wedding in San Diego are fun and exciting thoughts that help spur me on to finish each project on the list.

Speaking of...time for that reflection paper.

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