Friday, September 25, 2009


Someone has forgotten to tell the South that it's Fall and the temps should be decreasing! Next week looks like it may cool off a bit and we'll get a reprieve from the rain and high humidity. That's a glorious thought!

Meanwhile, I'm getting my Creative Memories business up and running. I presented at a Get Together last night and the ladies were awesome! Just great ladies to begin with and then they were extremely excited about the products and the possibilities for preserving their memories. I've got a special "Digital and Dessert" night scheduled with them for mid-October. I can't wait!

Here's a pic of what I've been working on. My high school album. I have freshman year finished. I have an insane number of pictures, so parring it down and choosing only those that really represent my memories of high school has been fun. I do have a solid group of friends from that time yet today. :)

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