Thursday, May 08, 2008


I need to remember my blessings...

1. I have fantastic colleagues.

2. I do have students who care and seek to help others.

3. I finished my Research Methods class last evening and I won't ever have to take it again!

4. My parking citation from UTSA was reduced so when I had to pay it to finish registering for classes it was NOT a $100 as it was before.

5. I was actually registered for summer classes, even though I thought they dropped me, but really I was on hold due to the parking citation.

6. I will have some summer since I won't be pushing myself to finish my Masters by December. (Which was a difficult conclusion to come to because I've had it in my head I would finish in '08 for years and I will have to come terms with the fact that I will be 31, and not 30, when I finish it.)

7. I have wonderful friends.

8. My parents only live 3 hours away.

9. I get to go home and read whatever I want!

10. I can chew on the left side of my mouth now that the permanent crown is in. Which means I can go back to my OCD habit of chewing equally on both sides of my mouth. It's the important things in life people! Really!


Erin said...

I love your blessings Kari!

Brian & Erin said...

I count myself blessed to have a friend who can see such a wide array of blessings in life!


Kari said...

I count myself blessed to have friends and family who help me see that daily. Thanks!