Thursday, March 08, 2007

Crazy Kids!!!

Crazy Kids!!!
This may be the craziest week before spring break I've ever experienced in six years of teaching. They are just all over the place. I think it's worse in Texas because it gets warm so soon...up north they haven't even gotten above freezing yet, so how could spring fever hit? Cabin fever maybe...but it's still better than this. It doesn't help that last week at our school was crazy with an academic and art contest on Tuesday and then State b-ball Thursday and Friday. Virtually no education least not in my classroom since I was gone three of the five days and they had all wrapped up projects the week before. I can't have a sub introduce a new just doesn't work in an art class. I can have the students watch "The Lion King" and write down as many color schemes as possible that they see. One student told me she never realized how colorful the movie is. Sigh...that was music to my ears.

Regardless, happy hour therapy canNOT come soon enough on Friday. Hills and Dales here I come...or Perico's...not sure yet...we'll see what the consensus is around here...

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